Paris, France
Od 808 €
Pariz, Francija

Paris, France

počitniški paket
Ustvarjeno: torek, 13. februar 2024
Ref ID: 8083964
Skupna cena Od 1.616 €
Ustvarjeno: torek, 13. februar 2024

O cilju

Pariz, ki leži ob reki Seini, je glavno mesto in največje mesto v Franciji. Je eno najbolj ikoničnih mest na svetu in velja za eno najlepših in najbolj romantičnih mest, zaradi česar so ga poimenovali Mesto ljubezni. Pariz ponuja zgodovinske znamenitosti, spomenike, prijetno vzdušje, čudovite kavarne, parke in muzeje, ki zadovoljijo vsakega popotnika. Velik del tega Mesta luči, vključno z reko Seino, je UNESCOva svetovna dediščina. Mesto je dom nekaterih največjih starih zgradb na svetu, kot so Eifflov stolp, Notre Dâme, Sacre Coeur, Slavolok zmage, Palača Versailles, Moulin Rouge ali Hotel des Invalides. Seznam stvari, ki jih morate videti v tem mestu, je neskončen, vendar ne smete zamuditi Louvra, enega najboljših muzejev na svetu umetnosti in kulture. Pariz ostaja izjemno vpliven na področju umetnosti in oblikovanja in je dom nekaterih najbolj impresivnih modernih zgradb, kot so La Défense, Centre Pompidou, Institut du Monde Arabe ali Stade de France. Pariz je mesto ogromne vitalnosti in lepote ter je neverjetno in fascinantno destinacijo. S svojo zgodovino in arhitekturno dediščino je Pariz mesto, ki ga vsi želijo videti.
Več informacij

Vključene storitve

16 apr.
Prevoz od Madrid do Pariz
EasyJet EasyJet - U24580 - Upravlja jo: EasyJet
20:30 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
22:35 - Paris, Charles De Gaulle (CDG)
0 PC Nonstop
Prevoz:  U24580 Upravlja jo:  EasyJet
Razred kabine: Economy
16 apr.
Prevoz iz Charles De Gaulle (CDG) v Grand Hotel Lafayette


Standard (Private Standard SUV) SUV
16 apr.
5 Noči
Grand Hotel Lafayette 8,6 Zelo dobro
Paris - Na razdalji 2,2 km od središčaSAMO SOBA6, rue Buffault, Paris 75009 Classic double room
Located a 10-minute walk from Opéra Garnier and 900 metres from Galeries Lafayette, Grand Hotel Lafayette is a design-style hotel, decorated in silver tones. The rooms at Grand Hotel Lafayette have an LCD TV with satellite channels and an IPod Docking Station. The bathroom has a professional hairdryer, and room service is available until midnight. A buffet breakfast is available and a continental breakfast can be brought to the comfort of your room. Additional facilities are available on site such as concierge service, laundry facilities and a safe. You can read the newspapers and use free Wi-Fi access throughout. The hotel is situated a 2-minute walk from Le Peletier and Cadet Metro Stations which provides direct access to Ile Saint Louis and Porte d’Italie.
16 apr.
Najem avtomobila
Charles De Gaulle
Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport
23:45 - 16 apr. 2024
19:30 - 21 apr. 2024
Starost voznika

Najmanjši 18, Največ 80

Politika ravnanja z gorivom

Cars will be supplied with a full tank of fuel and should be returned full. Otherwise the client will be charged for missing fuel, plus a refuelling charge.
It’s important the customer refuels within 10 kilometers from the drop-off point and keep the fuel station ticket.
In Corsica: vehicles can be thermal, electric or hybrid.

Splošni plačilni pogoji
The following deposit will be debited at the start of the rental: \\DepositValue//
Depozit, ki se uporablja za to rezervacijo
250,00 €
Zaščita pred krajo
1.500,00 €
Odpoved od škode pri trčenju
1.500,00 €

Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport - Telefon: +33 0148626581

Paris Charles De Gaulle Airport, ROISSY CDG TERM 1 ET 2, ROISSY APT BP 332 CEDEX CDG

Delovni čas: 06:00 - 23:59
Customers picking up at Charles de Gaulle Airport must provide flight itinerary or boarding pass showing arrival departure. Local train tickets from Paris cannot be accepted. All local renters must provide proof of home address in France with a utility or phone bill. Our counters are situated at Terminal 2C/D, Terminal 2E/F and Terminal 1. For Terminal 2E/F: When you arrive from Terminal 2E/F/G or by TGV, please follow the signs to find Terminal 2E/F until rental area location de voitures. The counter is situated outside the terminal building. For Terminal 2C/D: When you arrive from 2A/B/C/D or Terminal 3, please follow the signs to find Terminal 2C/D and then the rental area location de voitures. For people arriving from Terminal 3, please take the shuttle train CDG Val to Terminal 2 and then follow the signs to the rental area location de voitures at Terminal 2C/D. For Terminal 1, exit your flight via the baggage reclaim and you will find our counter to the right.

PARIS ORLY 3 - Telefon +33 0148626581


Delovni čas: 07:30 - 21:30
Served by Enterprise counter is located on the arrivals level of the terminal
21 apr.
Prevoz iz Grand Hotel Lafayette v Orly (ORY)


Standard (Private Standard SUV) SUV
21 apr.
Prevoz od Pariz do Madrid
Transavia France
Transavia France Transavia France - TO4780
21:30 - Paris, Orly (ORY)
23:35 - Madrid, Adolfo Suárez Madrid Barajas (MAD)
0 PC Nonstop Prevoznina: Basic
Prevoz:  TO4780
Razred kabine: Economy
Ime tarife: Basic
Skupna cena Od 1.616 €
Povzetek potovanja
2 Odrasli
Noči 5
Ta zamisel vključuje
Destinacije 1
Prevozi 2
Nastanitve 1
Avtomobili 1
Transfer 2